Links from our conversation!
Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza Ph.D., Unlearning The White Colonial Mind, Membership Community The Decolonial Healing Space for Decolonial Accomplices
Dr. Frantonia Pollins The Evil Behind Your Love & Light: Candid Conversations, How to Create an UncompromisingAnti-racism Action Plan for New Age Spirituality and Women's Empowerment Spaces
Introduction to Ancestor Reverence and review of bio-cultural identity. Yeye Luisah Teish is an American author of African and African-diaspora spiritual cultures. Yeye holds an honorary Ph.D. from the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences.
Reckoning with Remembrance: On Memoir and Memory with Sheree Greer.
Dr Janja Lalich is a world-renowned expert in cultic studies who offers resources to help survivors of coercive groups and courses for therapists and social workers to improve their counselling services.
Kathleen Oh is a Coach, writer, and safe drug use advocate and educator specializing in psychedelic integration. Her primary focus has become understanding her responsibility in anti-racist, capitalist and colonial systems of oppression, especially in New Age Spirituality, Self-Help, and Wellness Coaching. She has been a mental health professional for 25 years, working in private practice since 2007
Integration Coach
Insta @therealcoachoh
Tiktok @coachkathleenoh
NICOLE & The Soulful Human
The Soulful Human was created by Nicole as a way to share stories on important and relevant topics to our world today, to give an opportunity for those to share their own journeys but also for those listening to connect and see they are not alone in the struggles and joys they face on their own journeys. It is a place of connection and community. More will be coming with opportunities to be in the business and organization directory, to sponsor/advertise and to share YOUR story on upcoming topic. You can support the show by subscribing and giving a review as well as visiting the etsy shop. This is to cover expenses and eventually to use a portion of the profits to donate to some great causes such as The Trevor Project, Everytown for Gun Safety, The Loveland Foundation, Girls Inc and Planned Parenthood along with more.
Follow Nicole and The Soulful Human
TT: @thesoulfulhuman
Links from our conversation!
Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza Ph.D., Unlearning The White Colonial Mind, Membership Community The Decolonial Healing Space for Decolonial Accomplices
Dr. Frantonia Pollins The Evil Behind Your Love & Light: Candid Conversations, How to Create an UncompromisingAnti-racism Action Plan for New Age Spirituality and Women's Empowerment Spaces
Introduction to Ancestor Reverence and review of bio-cultural identity. Yeye Luisah Teish is an American author of African and African-diaspora spiritual cultures. Yeye holds an honorary Ph.D. from the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences.
Reckoning with Remembrance: On Memoir and Memory with Sheree Greer.
Dr Janja Lalich is a world-renowned expert in cultic studies who offers resources to help survivors of coercive groups and courses for therapists and social workers to improve their counselling services.
Kathleen Oh is a Coach, writer, and safe drug use advocate and educator specializing in psychedelic integration. Her primary focus has become understanding her responsibility in anti-racist, capitalist and colonial systems of oppression, especially in New Age Spirituality, Self-Help, and Wellness Coaching. She has been a mental health professional for 25 years, working in private practice since 2007
Integration Coach
Insta @therealcoachoh
Tiktok @coachkathleenoh
NICOLE & The Soulful Human
The Soulful Human was created by Nicole as a way to share stories on important and relevant topics to our world today, to give an opportunity for those to share their own journeys but also for those listening to connect and see they are not alone in the struggles and joys they face on their own journeys. It is a place of connection and community. More will be coming with opportunities to be in the business and organization directory, to sponsor/advertise and to share YOUR story on upcoming topic. You can support the show by subscribing and giving a review as well as visiting the etsy shop. This is to cover expenses and eventually to use a portion of the profits to donate to some great causes such as The Trevor Project, Everytown for Gun Safety, The Loveland Foundation, Girls Inc and Planned Parenthood along with more.
Follow Nicole and The Soulful Human
TT: @thesoulfulhuman